1. Python Py To Exe
  2. Run Python Py
  1. Type 'manage.py help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.
  2. Available subcommands:
  3. [auth]
  4. createsuperuser
  5. [compressor]
  6. mtime_cache
  7. [django]
  8. compilemessages
  9. dbshell
  10. dumpdata
  11. inspectdb
  12. makemessages
  13. migrate
  14. shell
  15. sql
  16. sqlclear
  17. sqldropindexes
  18. sqlindexes
  19. sqlsequencereset
  20. startapp
  21. syncdb
  22. testserver
  23. clean_pyc
  24. create_app
  25. create_jobs
  26. dumpscript
  27. find_template
  28. graph_models
  29. notes
  30. pipchecker
  31. print_user_for_session
  32. runjob
  33. runprofileserver
  34. runserver_plus
  35. set_fake_passwords
  36. show_templatetags
  37. sqlcreate
  38. sync_media_s3
  39. unreferenced_files
  40. validate_templates
  41. [sessions]
  42. collectstatic
  43. runserver
  44. [theperfectapp]
  45. essync
  46. exproject
  47. runpylint
  48. [tpa_android]
  49. validate_apk
  50. [tpa_ios]
  51. dump_dwarf
  52. dump_library
  53. load_symbols
  54. symbolicate
  55. validate_aetx

This is a Bank ATM api. It is available at https://atm2.herokuapp.com/

Built with

Python Py To Exe

Common things every Django app needs! - 0.9.2 - a Python package on PyPI - Libraries.io. Let’s look at an example to see how this works. If you already have the contenttypes application installed, and then add the sites application to your INSTALLEDAPPS setting and run manage.py migrate to install it, the model django.contrib.sites.models.Site will be installed into your database. Sep 24, 2018 python manage.py generatesecretkey -replace secretkey.txt This will generate a new file secretkey.txt containing a random Django secret key. In your production settings file, replace the hardcoded key. Django Project Template Project template layout for Django 1.9+ View on GitHub Download.zip Download.tar.gz Django 1.9+ project template. This is a simple Django 1.9+ project template with my preferred setup. Most Django project templates make way too.

Sep 24, 2018  python manage.py generatesecretkey -replace secretkey.txt This will generate a new file secretkey.txt containing a random Django secret key. In your production settings file, replace the hardcoded key. We’ve successfully deployed our Django application to Heroku, but it’s not ready for public release yet! This video will explore using production settings files, pulling sensitive information out of our code repository, and using a more robust database for our app.

Flask-restful, SQLAlchemy


Once you've cloned the repo from git@github.com:RyanSept/atm-api.git

Change directory into the project $ cd atm-api

Install dependencies $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Cisco Asa License Key Generator. The process to obtain K9 activation key has changed. The key for 750 users is added to the 5520. A light regression test run consists of approximately 700 test cases. Not all of the licensed features and capabilities are available on all hardware platforms. The second time I play the album, I sing along with Activate! And it not-so-subliminally makes me think to look for the missing activation key on my Cisco ASA. A Cisco ASA with a Base license, compared with an ASA with a Security Plus license: They can boot with identical image. Cisco asa 5520 activation key generator key. An activation key is an encoded bit string that defines the list of features to enable, how long the key would stay valid upon activation, and the specific serial number of a Cisco ASA device. A series of five hexadecimal numbers, as shown at the top of the output in Example 3-1, typically represents that string. Cisco Asa 5505 Activation Key Generator DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1).

Create a .env file based on the .env-sample which is inside the project.

To run the app, navigate to the project folder and run $ python manage.py runserver

You can access the app at

Setting up the configs

The application has 3 different configuration modes: dev, staging and prod. The flag STAGE, an environment variable,is used to determine which config class is loaded into the app (see config.py). You also need to set up a .env filefor the apps secret variables.

$ export STAGE=dev

$ cat .env-sample > .env # make necessary edits- $DATABASE_URI

$ source .env

Database setup

The application uses a Postgres database. To setup the database run the following commands.

$ createdb atm_api (You should have this if you've installed psql, the Postgres client)

You can then fill out the DATABASE_URI variable in your .env file with your database uri connection string.

Run $ python manage.py init_app to create tables on the database.

Generating a secure encryption key for the application

To generate an encryption key for the SECRET_KEY app cofig run $ python manage.py generate_secret_key

Account login

You can authenticate a user and receive a JSON Web Token using this method. This token expires according to the secret config variableJWT_TOKEN_EXPIRY.

Request Arguments

Account creation

You can create a new account for purposes of testing.

Request Arguments

Account balance

Python Manage.py Generate_secret_key

You can retrieve the balance for an account.

Account deposit

Making a deposit.

Request Arguments

Account withdrawal

Making a withdrawal from an account.

Request Arguments

Deploying and Management

Create an app on heroku $ heroku apps:create <app_name> and set secret config variables through the heroku dashboard.

$ git push heroku <current_branch>:master to push the app to heroku. (Remember to initialize the db!)

Run Python Py

Unit Tests

To run the application's unit tests, simply run $ nosetests

To run a specific test run eg. the register endpoint test run:

$ nosetests api.v1.tests.test_register:RegisterTestSuite.test_creates_account

To run a specific test suite eg. the deposit test suite, run:

$ nosetests api.v1.tests.test_deposit

To check test coverage $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=api